Welcome to CLEARWATER R-1

The mission of the Clearwater School District, in partnership with the community, is to empower students to fulfill their aspirations of success for today, tomorrow, and the future. 

Information Portal

Opportunities to voice your opinion and find District information.

Community WiFi Hotspots

In partnership with Boycom Internet, the Clearwater R-1 School District has made available 7 internet hotspots for district-owned Chromebook devices located at key locations within the communities that we serve. District-owned devices will automatically connect when brought within range of these spots. Internet access is only for school devices for educational purposes. All internet activity will be filtered/monitored just as it is on campus. 

The following locations have kindly allowed the presence of these hotspots and our students while using them:

While at one of these locations, students are using a school resource and should conduct themselves with the same sense of respect and responsibility that is expected at school. Reports of misbehavior at these locations may be subject to disciplinary action as deemed appropriate by the student’s principal. 

Maps: Click here for a Google Map of all locations http://bit.ly/3s66SOt

Public Notice SY 23-24.doc

Notice of Non-Discrimination

The Clearwater R-I School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, or age in its programs and activities and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. The following person has been designated to handle inquiries regarding the non-discrimination policies:

Archie Derboven, Superintendent

200 Henry White Blvd.

Piedmont, MO 63957

573-223-7426, ext. 6
